The Darling Aura

Lilith in Virgo 28° and Lilith in 3rd House

Lilith in Virgo 28° and Lilith in 3rd House

 Lilith in Virgo is going be very sensitive and very intense about what their perfection is around them, but this may bring out critiquing detail about everything. Super hypersensitive to...

Lilith in Virgo 28° and Lilith in 3rd House

 Lilith in Virgo is going be very sensitive and very intense about what their perfection is around them, but this may bring out critiquing detail about everything. Super hypersensitive to...

Lilith in Aquarius 16° and Saturn in Aquarius - 10th House

Lilith in Aquarius 16° and Saturn in Aquarius -...

Lilith in the tenth house in Aquarius is going to be seen by everybody. So you are rebellious, self-driven, and idealistic, being different is a cause. These qualities are going...

Lilith in Aquarius 16° and Saturn in Aquarius -...

Lilith in the tenth house in Aquarius is going to be seen by everybody. So you are rebellious, self-driven, and idealistic, being different is a cause. These qualities are going...